PT Lentera Inspirasi Pembiayaan (used to be PT JTrust Olympindo Multi Finance) (the “Company”) is a conventional financing company established in Jakarta on November 30, 1993 and received a license as a financing company based on the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia Decision Letter No. 521/KMK.017/1994 dated October 14, 1994 regarding the Grant of Financing Institution Business License to PT Olympindo Multi Finance; as updated based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) No. KEP-241/PL.02/2023 regarding Enforcement of Business Licenses in the Multi-Finance Company Sector In Connection with the Change of Name of PT JTrust Olympindo Multi Finance to PT Lentera Inspirasi Pembayaran.
The Company carries out financing business activities which include: (i) Investment Financing; (ii) Working Capital Financing; (iii) Multipurpose Financing and/or (iv) other financing business activities based on OJK approval.